Your business can’t survive without leads. If you’re not attracting new customers, it doesn’t matter how great your products or services are — no one will know about them. That’s why marketing funnels are a necessity for businesses looking to grow their customer base and generate more revenue.
They create a continuous stream of leads that help fill your pipeline with prospective customers at every stage of the buyer’s journey. And they don’t have to be difficult to set up if you follow these tips:
Consider the complete customer journey.
The customer journey is the path that a customer takes to complete the transaction.
It begins with the first contact with your brand and ends at purchase.
The journey consists of three stages: awareness, consideration, and purchase. When building your marketing funnel, keep these stages in mind as you move through it.
Create a clear lead magnet for your target audience.
You will also need to create a lead magnet for your target audience.
A lead magnet is a free offer that you use to entice people into your marketing funnel.
This could be an ebook, video or webinar that helps the recipient get more out of working with you.
You can also use this information to collect email addresses if you want to go down the paid advertising route in future.
Define your target audience.
The first step in building an effective marketing funnel is to define your target audience.
You can’t create a marketing strategy if you don’t know who you’re trying to reach in the first place.
What do they want? What do they need? How can you help them?
These are some of the questions that need answering when figuring out who your ideal customer is and how best to communicate with them.
Once these questions have been answered, it will be much easier for you to identify their pain points and develop a plan for addressing those issues through your digital presence.
Promote your lead magnet across multiple channels.
Once you have a lead magnet in place, it’s time to promote it across multiple channels.
Your goal is to drive traffic from the initial marketing campaign and into your funnel.
Use social media
Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter allow you to create content that can be shared with your audience via their newsfeed (if they follow you) or their timeline (if they are not following).
These posts can be about anything related to your business or industry, but also include links back to the landing page for your lead magnet so users can take advantage of the free tool.
Email marketing
You should also consider sending an email newsletter that promotes the landing page with a link back there as well as other offers related content on related topics, such as downloads from previous newsletters or blog posts.
Remember: if someone asks for something in an email list then they have already expressed interest so make sure that when asking them what kind of products/services would most benefit them if possible before sending these emails out!
Have a call to action on every page of your website.
There should be a call to action on every page of your website.
People should be able to do something at every point on your site, whether they are there for information or to buy.
The most common mistake businesses make is having too many options for people who visit their websites, making it difficult for them to decide what they want and leading them away from taking any action at all.
This makes it important that you focus on creating a clear path through your marketing funnel and ensure that there is always one clear option available.
The other thing we’ve learned in our experience working with clients is that it’s really important not only what the call-to-action says but also where it appears on the page.
Our brains tend to have trouble focusing on multiple things at once — so if you have multiple CTAs, which one will stand out?
One way around this is by using different colors or fonts when writing out each CTA so that readers know exactly where each option takes them.
Write a blog post promoting your lead magnet as valuable content.
Your next step is to write a blog post that promotes your lead magnet, and makes it easy for people to share.
Write in a way that’s valuable to your target audience.
It’s important that the content of your blog post be helpful to them in some way.
For example, if you run an ecommerce store selling organic skincare products, you could write a blog post about “5 Tips To Avoiding Sunburn With Natural Skincare Products” or “3 Ways To Use A Natural Face Mask To Fight Acne”.
Use your lead magnet as the subject of the blog post (or at least mention it near the top).
If you’re offering a free ebook as part of a lead magnet funnel campaign, then obviously this should be mentioned throughout your article as well!
Be sure to make it clear what they’re getting out of reading through it — i.e., how will their lives improve by doing so?
What problems does it solve? This is where most people fall short when writing opt-in pages like these; don’t make those same mistakes!
Use social media to drive traffic back to your site.
Social media is a great way to drive traffic back to your site.
You can use social media to promote your lead magnet, blog content, products or services, and event.
Include links to your business blog in relevant emails you are sending out to customers and prospects.
It’s important to include links to your business blog in the emails you are sending out.
That way, if a customer or prospect is interested in learning more about a topic discussed in an email, they have an easy way of doing so.
Make sure the blog post link is easily found and easy to read (for example, don’t put it at the end of an email).
Make sure it’s also relevant to whatever content was included in that email.
A marketing funnel is really helpful when you have the right strategies in place.
Marketing funnels are one of the most effective ways to generate leads and increase sales online.
They help you capture your target audience by directing them through a series of steps, from awareness and consideration all the way down to conversion.
This method allows you to build a strong relationship with your customer and guide them towards making a purchase decision.
Now that you know how to create an effective marketing funnel, it’s time to get out there and start putting these strategies into practice.